Cash back reward credit cards are a wonderful thing, if you use the
credit card wisely. It is a great to earn points that can be redeemed for cash, travel
vouchers or others types of merchandise just for using your credit card.
Not all credit cards give back, so be careful and do your
research and read the fine print on the credit card application. The cards that
do offer cash back do not all give back the same amount, each card offers
different incentives when rewarding the purchaser.
Here are some guidelines for choosing the best rewards
credit card for you.
Credit Score
Each card company will have different qualifications for
their cards. Know your credit score and check with the card company to see what
their average approved credit score is for their rewards card. If you have a
medium or low credit score then most likely you will have a hard time getting
approved for a rewards credit card.
High Cash Back Rewards
Not all rewards cards offer the same cash back. Some credit
cards only offer 1 percent cash back on purchases, while other card companies
will offer a higher cash back reward. Again do your research and try to get
approved for one that offers higher cash back rewards.
Unlimited Cash Back
Again not all cards are the same even when it comes to the
amount of cash back they will award you. Some companies put a cap on the amount
of money they will reward you, while others have no cap on their cash back
Sign Up Bonus
Several of the rewards cards offer great bonuses if you
spend $500 dollars within the first 90 days of having the rewards credit card. This
is a great way to maximize the cash back benefits right in the beginning. Some
card companies offer different types of promotions from time to time, check
with your card company and see what types of promotions they offer.
Annual Fee’s
Check around, you should be able to find a rewards card that
does not have an annual fee tied to it. Some cards may have an annual fee but
the cash back rewards outweigh the annual fee being charged so in this case the
fee is worth it.
Remember these rewards cards are credit cards, so if you
want the best from the rewards then you need to pay off the balance every month
so you don’t start acquiring interest. Having interest charges on these cards
negates the cash back rewards, Another thing to remember is just because you
are getting cash back rewards does not mean you can go out and overspend and ruin
your budget. It can be tempting to overspend and purchase items you really don’t
need. These cash back rewards cards are great if used responsibly and used sensibly.