I just came back from a four day convention and it was fantastic to be around people with a positive attitude. People that are positive and think positive thoughts seem to have a happier life and seem to have a great outlook at life. Even look at how much more healthier people that are positive seem to be, they are more relaxed, they do not get stressed out over little things, most dont have to take high blood pressure medication or any sort of anti-depressants.
The line of work I am in tends to put a large number of negative people in my life. When sitting back and watching these people I find that they are short tempered, they have a poor outlook on life, they are most likely on some sort of ant-depressant medication, and are terrible people to be around.
After spending these past four days with people that are positive I could actually feel my body take on a whole new feel to it. I was not stressed all the time, my muscles did not ache, my headaches were minimal, and I could feel my breathing was a lot more smooth. It is amazing what stress can do to your health, and it is amazing how you feel when you are surrounded by positive thoughts and happy people.
In our day to day walk we are surrounded by negative people, they tend to prey on positive people trying to convert them to their way of being negative. We have to learn to stay positive and keep a positive outlook on life. A persons attitude is just a frame of mind that you have to keep control of and manage what you listen too and manage what you allow to go into your sub-consequence. The old adage, garbage in garbage out.
A good example of this would be, watching the 24 hour news and weather stations. One out of every one hundred news reports are always negative. Negative media sells! People thrive on watching these stations, you very rarely ever hear a positive news article, all the breaking news is about shootings, death and murder, never about something positive that has happened. If a person was to sit and watch these news channels, that person would eventually live in a sense of fear.
Change your life and change your attitude.
Living in a positive environment can lead to a much more healthier outlook on life. Positive energy attracts positive people. this being the "Law of attraction". Studies have proven that goals in life are much easier achieved by having a positive outlook on life.
Here are some positive exercises to help you keep a positive and healthy life style.
Meditation - Setting some time daily even if it is just 15 minuets a day and focus on positive thoughts can change your life and make you a healthier person.
Calming music - The music that you listen to can affect your life and your thinking. Look at country music for an example, most of the songs focus on death, drinking, sex, and negative messages. Getto Rap music focuses on death, killing, sex and drugs. The Blues music focuses on being depressed and blue. Music can play a major role in your feelings, and your attitude on life. To think and a positive outlook you need to listen to music that calming and or energizing and promotes positive messages.
Exercise - Exercise is a great way to uplift your body, a great time to meditate. Exercise is a great time to spend time alone and think about positive thoughts.
Sleep - Sleep is getting harder and harder to come by in this materialistic world. Studies have shown that a body needs to have at least 8 good hours of quality sleep in order for the body to run at peak performance.
These are just a few of many ways for the body and mind to run at a positive rate. It is hard to be positive all the time, when you feel negativity coming into your thoughts, stop and take action to curb these negative influences out of your existence. Do some meditation, or listen to some positive uplifting music, do something,take some action and don't
allow negative energy back into your life.
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